UiT Machine Learning Group
Pushing the frontier
Powered by the cool Arctic air and located at 70° north, the core strength of the Machine Learning Group at UiT The Arctic University of Norway is in basic research for advancing statistical machine learning and AI methodology to face the societal and industrial data-driven challenges of the future.
The UiT Machine Learning Group hosts the annual Northern Lights Deep Learning Conference. Please see: nldl.org
We head SFI Visual Intelligence, a Centre for Research-based Innovation funded by the Research Council of Norway and its consortium partners.
Succesful Ph.D. defence of Stine Hansen. Opponents were professor Alexandros Iosifidis (Aarhus University) and Kjersti Engan (University of Stavanger).
Two papers accepted at CVPR 2023!
Accepted paper at the International Journal of Computer Vision: "RELAX: representation learning explainability.
Succesful Ph.D. defence of Kristoffer Wickstrøm. Opponents were associate professor Irina Voiculescu (University of Oxford) and Lars K. Hansen (Technical University of Denmark).
UiT Machine Learning Group part of new Centre of Excellence on Machine Learning Research.
New paper "ProtoVAE: A Trustworthy Self-Explainable Prototypical Variational Model" accepted at NeurIPS 2022!
Phd student Suaiba Salahuddin wins best paper award at Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2022.
UiT Machine Learning Group granted funding for innovation project on AI-product for PET imaging. More information at: https://uit.no/nyheter/artikkel/kortnytt?p_document_id=771776.
New paper by Luigi Luppino and collaborators accepted at the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.
Pitch-days for master's projects at UiT on the 5th of April from 14:15-16:00. Companies and organizations are invited to give a short online presentation about them and the master projects they propose, and the students can join online or at Realfagsbygget: Sore Auditorium (B302). This is a great opportunity to connect students having an interest and background in computer science and machine learning with innovative companies and research centers. The event is hosted by the Digital Technology Innovation Lab and SFI Visual Intelligence at the Departments of Computer Science and Physics and Technology. More information at https://uit-dtil.github.io/pitch-day.html .
Kristoffer Olesen from the Technical University of Denmark joins the UiT Machine Learning Group for a research stay.
New paper by Ph.D. candidate Stine Hansen and collaborators accepted at the journal of Medical Image Analysis.
Ph.D. candidate Ane Blázquez-García from the technology center Ikerlan joins the UiT Machine Learning Group for a research stay.
New paper at CVPR: Reconsidering Representation Alignment for Multi-view Clustering (25% acceptance rate).
Michael Kampffmeyer from the UiT Machine Learning Group awarded FRIPRO grant (ground breaking research) from the Research Council of Norway!